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Our warehouse is located at:

46483 Wesel - Reeser Landstr. 10

Warehouse visits and pick-up by appointment only, please call +49 (0) 281 / 164 19 14.

A map is available in the driving directions section.





Product no.: 7066

Not in stock

6985 - timber joint 0,99 Euro per kg

Product no.: 6985

Not in stock

Pallets FISCHER doorstop TS8 various colors

Product no.: 1218098

Not in stock

3 er Brush Sets / Exercise Ball

Product no.: 020

Not in stock

Mixed palette hair accessories

Product no.: 052

Not in stock

mixed palett petty wares

Product no.: 054

Not in stock


Product no.: 059

Not in stock

Glaze Brush Set, 3 pcs. 30mm, 50mm and 100mm

Product no.: 066

Not in stock

Mixed palett table napkin eastern

Product no.: 067

Not in stock

mixed palett party and license articles

Product no.: 068

Not in stock

Mixed pallet WM article

Product no.: 069

Not in stock

Mixed pallet of wrapping paper

Product no.: 070

Not in stock

20 pallets grill lighter Made in Germany

Product no.: 302

Not in stock

New 32 pallets of sandpaper, screws, etc.

Product no.: 248

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

New 113 pallets of Fischer screws - chipboard screws, torx, cross, etc. 26.193,5 kg

Product no.: 282

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

inside and outside lights

Product no.: 285

Not in stock

2,666 inside and outside lights on 16 pallets

Product no.: 290

Not in stock

3 truck grills

Product no.: 301

Not in stock

New Post M9 - 32 pallet pendant light "Export"

Product no.: 297

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

New Lot 5 - 65 pallets of Fischer screws, textiles etc. 18,693.5 kg

Product no.: 316

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

New Lot M 13 - 31,946 pieces of various bath items from a well-known manufacturer

Product no.: 327

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

New Lot M 16 - 33 mixed pallets of hardware store goods from a well-known manufacturer

Product no.: 335

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

New Baumarkt pallets of a renown manufacturer

Product no.: 343

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

New 199 pallets of Fischer screws etc. 63,662 kg

Product no.: 349

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days
* Prices before VAT, plus Shipping